Friday, August 1, 2008

Sun Salutations in Yoga for Lower Back Pain

The lower back – The worst poses for lower back stuff is forward bending with legs straight either sitting or standing. Exception to this is wide leg forward bends, which are acceptable because the legs are wide. The relationship that you must recognize is between hamstrings, ischial tuberosity, pelvic tilt and sacroiliac ligaments. Thus, avoid all forward bending with straight legs.

In its place, deeply bend your knees while doing any forward bending. In order to lengthen your hamstrings, we will employ this pose where we lie on our back and pull on our straight leg. That’s the most effective way to lengthen hamstrings and it does so in a way that is absolutely and totally safe for lower backs. Also note if you have herniated discs, avoid almost all twists unless you are with a very competent teacher and you engage your belly. Please note, it’s very important that you bend your knees during the forward bending as a way to alleviate the stress in the sacroiliac joint, which is a ligament, not a tendon. Okay?

An example of Sun Salutation for lower backs is inhale, your arms above your head. Exhale, forward bend and deeply bend your knees. Inhale, look up, keep your knees bent. Exhale, step your feet back and lower yourself down. Inhale, cobra pose or upward dog. Exhale, Downward Dog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thank you fred- how funny that i asked you about lower back pain today and then i read your blog for the first time today and it was on lower back pain and the sun salutations. awesome. thanks.